828-545-2362 contact Anne
Full Season Share:
There are 2 share sizes: "regular" shares are intended to feed a small family (2 to 4 people). The "small" share is great for individuals and couples.
The full season share is 22 weeks starting May 15 and ending October 9.
Full season Regular: $525. Full season Small: $325
Peak Season Share:
This share is great if you want to try the CSA out or if you're planning to be gone early summer. It is less of a commitment in time and finance. This share runs for 8 weeks from July 24 thru September 11. Available in regular or small.
Peak season Regular: $250. Peak season Small: $175
Extended Fall Share:
This share provides 4 boxes from October 23 thru November 20 (you choose 4 out of 5 dates). Fall crops include carrots, beets, leeks, cauliflower, greens, sweet potatoes, shallots, winter squash, Irish potatoes. Most of the veggies in these boxes will store into the holiday season.
One size only: $120
In the past we have sold egg shares but had difficulty toward the end of the season providing them in 2012. What we'd like to do this year is take "reservations" and you can pay weekly or monthly for your eggs rather than for the full 22 weeks at once.
Payment can be made by check to: Gaining Ground Farm, 298 Sluder Branch Rd. Leicester NC 28748
Down payment of 1/2 the total is due upon registration. If you pay in full by March 15, receive a $20 discount for regular shares and a $15 discount for small shares. Please include a contact number, an email address, and which share you're signing up for with your payment.
Boxes can be picked up at the Wednesday Montford Market between 2 and 6 pm.
You can look thru our blog entries to see what the boxes were like last year.