Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 17 CSA

Red Maria Potatoes ready to put in boxes
 We got all the potatoes dug and stored in a cool, dark corner of the barn last Thursday; a good feeling!  Fall carrots, beets, and radishes are sprouting.  The winter squash is harvested and curing in the barn loft.  And the beat goes on.
Your box this week includes:  1 lb. purple viking potatoes, 1 bunch leeks, 1 garlic, 3 lbs. tomatoes (some defiant, some japanese black trifele), 1 lb. chinese eggplant, 1 bunch thai basil, 1 bell pepper, 1 hot serrano.  Full shares get 2 lbs. potaotes, 2 garlic, 1/4 lb. shallots, 1 lb. okra, 1 melon.
Potatoes are unwashed so they'll keep better.  They don't need refrigerated.  The bell peppers will ripen all the way to red if left on your counter.


1/4 cup chopped walnuts (or pine nuts or almonds)
1 lb. eggplant
1/2 lb tomatoes ( 2-3 small tomatoes)
1/4 cup apple juice
3 T balsamic vinegar
3 T thai basil
2 T prepared grainy mustard
2 T lime juice
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup e.v. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1.  heat oven to 375
2. toast nuts in dry, heavy skillet until they start to brown.  Trnsfer to a dish to cool ( only takes a minute)
3. lightly oil a baking sheet.  Cut eggplant in half lenghtwise and place on sheet.  Pile diced toamtoes around eggpalnt.  Roast in oven until eggplant is soft (about 30 minutes)
4. mix juice, vinegar, basil, mustard, and garlic in a small bowl with salt to taste.  slowly pour olive oil in a thin stream, whisking constantly, until dressing is thick and no longer separates.
5. remove veggies from oven and drizzle with some of the dressing.  Let cool.
6. when veggies have reached room temp., transfer to plates and drizzle the remaining dressing over them to taste.  sprinkle with toasted nuts and black pepper.
Phelan, Veronica, and Aaron preparing for potatoe harvest

Late beans in the field

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