This is the last installment of the extended share for 2017. We hope you liked it! This has been a good fall in terms of crops and rainfall. Good eatin'!
Share contents: 2 butternut squash, 2 stalks of brussel sprouts, 1 1/2 pounds of broccoli, 1 head of red bibb lettuce, 1 head of red radicchio, 1 bunch of carrots, 2 rutabagas and 1 scarlet turnip, 3 heads of garlic, 1 pound of spinach.
The brussel sprouts can be removed from the stalk using a paring knife. To prepare them, peel off outer leaves that have little spots on them and give them a rinse. You can cook them whole or cut them in half. We like them tossed in olive oil and salt and roasted in a 425 degree oven until tender (15-25 minutes). Or steamed and then sauteed in a little butter and salt n pepper. There are loads of more complicated recipes but they taste so good that simple preparation lets their true flavor shine.
The rutabagas and turnip are great combined with potatoes in a mash or scalloped. If you want to save them for a few weeks, remove the leaves and store them in a bag with the air squeezed out.
The spinach is getting sweeter with cooler temperatures. It is great raw in salad. It is also great lightly sauteed with some garlic and lemon juice.
Thank you for being a part of our CSA this year! The extended share is our favorite part of the season, perhaps because we are nearing a quieter time on the farm where we can relax a little. We hope you have a good end to your year and we see you again next year,
Anne, Aaron, Addiebelle and Cyril Grier
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