Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 11 or 14 Last Box of the Year

Thank you all for doing the extended share this fall!  I hope you enjoyed it. 
Contents of the last box:  1 bunch multicolored beets, 1 head of frisee, 2 heads of "little gem" lettuce, 1 head of napa cabbage, 3 #s of carrots, 5 #s of carolina ruby sweet potatoes, 1 # of japanese sweet potatoes, 1 bunch of parsnips, 1 bunch of parsley, 2 garlic bulbs.

The parsnips we grow are crazy looking because we transplant them which disturbs their taproot.  It has proven very difficult for us to have success with directly sowing parsnip seed so we do it by transplanting them.  You can use all parts of the root.  Just pull it apart so you can wash in all the little bends and folds.  The leaves are not edible and should be removed for storage.  I just thought it might be interesting for you to see the leaves.  Parsnips will keep for a month or more in a bag in your refrigerator drawer.
Napa cabbage makes excellent slaw, great stir-fry, and is really good as a fermented pickle.
We enjoy making a simple pesto of parsley, garlic, olive oil and salt to dip fresh carrots and turnips in.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting about the parsnips. Did you try sprouting them in compostable containers that can be directly transplanted into soil without disturbing the root? (is there such a thing?) --Diana
